Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon

December 31, 2008 at 7:29 am | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 9. Moon Water | Leave a comment
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Happy New Year!  Earth and Water energy!  The Moon dances into clairvoyant Pisces just in time for the end of the year.  If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in water signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon floating in this water sign.


Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely!  I’m grateful for the intuitive flashes I’ll be getting from the universe for the next couple of days.  When the Moon is in Pisces there will be a feeling of “knowingness” that can’t be explained.  It just is.  There is no rationale explanation.  You just simply know in your heart that this is what is.


In your family life and at the office this is a lovely way to end 2008 with the watering energy of Pisces.  Many seeds on the Capricorn earth of ideas likely will be watered over the next couple of days.  Pisces is the ending of a natural lunar cycle.  At the subconscious level, it is likely you will have thoughts of “where have I been, where am I now and where am I going?”  That equals the past, what is currently playing out in your present life and what your dreams are for your future.  How delightful that is comes at the end of the calendar year!  We often are self reflective now.


Don’t dwell on past mistakes.  Mistakes are there to help us to grow, learn from and move on.  My wise father used to tell me this all the time.  If you spend your life dwelling on the past, you are never going to live in the NOW.  Yet the seeds of tomorrow are in the NOW.  So make the best use of today and just do the best you can, just for today.  Then tomorrow will manifest successfully for you.  Remember this as well.  You are not your past.  However your past has created you to be the person you are today.  If you had not had all those experiences, you would be a totally different person.  However, you came to be who you are today.  The universe is unfolding as it should for you.


In your love life and friendships of all types Pisces rules the 12th house with Neptune as the ruling planet.  Be aware that you might over-imbibe of spirits or other substances during the course of the next couple of days.  That is, you will tend to over do it if you have not dealt with your past stuff.  This is time for exploring the deep mystery of Love that holds your relationship together.  Part of that mystery is buried in your subconscious feelings.  Sometimes when you analyze the why of anything it loses its flavor.  Instead examine your love for each other in its totality.  This is hologram time.  See the mirror of you in the eyes of the people you love.  They love you because you totally are you.  Similarly love them for their total person. 


Reflection Questions! 

1.  Do you let your past mistakes haunt you?

2.  Do you throw past mistakes of others at them frequently?

3.  Do you understand that your past made you who you are today?

4.  Are you living in the Now aka today?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to let my intuition play and I am open to the messages I receive!


When you face your fear,

most of the time you will discover

that it was not really such a big threat after all.

We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation.

It empowers us to overcome obstacles so we can live our dreams.

(Les Brown)


Dance in the Watery Mysterious Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Capricorn Sun, Aquarius Moon

December 29, 2008 at 4:33 am | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 8. Moon Air | Leave a comment
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Earth-Air energy.  Transforming through Lightening Bolts of Insights?  The Moon dances into socially conscious Aquarius shortly.  If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon floating in this air sign. 



Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely!  I’m grateful for the rebellious Uranus/Aquarius energy.  If I have ideals and ideas that are different from tribal mentality or sheeple as NeilMac calls them, then the time to advance those ideas is when Aquarius rules the sky.  Aquarius rules the internet and most states of energy.  Be aware you might short circuit if you toss too many ideas around in your brainwaves!  You might have difficulty focusing on just one thing for the next couple of days. 


In your family life and at the office you likely will want to include everyone in your plans over the next 48 hours.  Aquarius likes the inclusion factor and wants everyone to feel comfortable.  Regardless of our differences, fundamentally people are 95% the same and want the same things for themselves and their families … around the globe.  The combo of earth-air will take some of those dreams you have been dreaming about on your manifesting board and coming up with some ideas of how you can make them happen.  If the lightbulb is continually flickering on in your head over the next couple of days, grab a pen and write those ideas down before they go flying back into cyberspace!  Listen to the kidlets as they dream out loud.  Nothing is too far-fetched for the Uranian energy.  Aquarius is the mighty transformer that helps us all to go through the metamorphosis or change process.


In your love life and friendships of all types you might find yourself rebelling against anything that hampers your freedom.  Aquarius wants to be free to explore.  So if your main squeeze isn’t willing to explore those ideas with you, you will be more than willing to do it on your own.  This is prime time to talk to your dearest friends about what some of your wishes and dreams are.  So wave your magic wand and make your dreams come true.  Put energy into them by talking about them!  Yes you can!


Reflection Questions! 

  1. What is your attitude towards your success in your world?
  2. What is your attitude towards your failures?  Use your failures to learn from and improve as all the greatest people in the world have done!
  3. How do you feel towards your circle of inner friendships. 
  4. Does everyone still fit inside that circle or do you need to eradicate some friendships?  They no longer work with your energy so it’s time to replace and renew your inner circle!


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to focus on manifesting my wishes and dreams that help to transform me into being a better me. 


I do the very best I know how – the very best I can;

and mean to keep doing so until the end.

If the end brings me out all right,

what is said against me won’t amount to anything.

(Abraham Lincoln)


Dance in the Humanitarian Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Capricorn NEW Moon Vision Board

December 27, 2008 at 1:29 am | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 3. New Moon Vision Board, 7. Moon Earth | 2 Comments
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Manifesting Magic! Sharpen your pencils and dig out your New Moon Vision Board.   Double Earth Energy!  Serious Saturn rules the energy waves as the Moon digs into Capricorn.  If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in earth signs of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon mountain climbing in this earth sign. 


Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely!  I’m grateful for double earth energy days as it enables me to get down to practical matters and clear off several items from my plate with ease.   This New Moon 28 day cycle is going to force us to deal with the issues related to wherever Capricorn and Saturn are located in your birth chart.  New Moon is a great time for initiating things that you want to see manifest in your life.  


In your family life and at the office Capricorn and Saturn tend to focus on issues around your career in life.  If you are dis-satisfied with what this has looked like the past year, this is prime time for creating your vision of what that will look like for the next year.  This is the first New Moon after the Winter Solstice and is being given a booster shot of Solstice energy. In addition to that Mars, Pluto, the Moon and Sun are all in alignment so that you can more easily align yourself energetically to your Purpose in Life.  So what do you want?  What did you come to this planet to do?


This is pretty serious energy folks!  The Pluto shift into Capricorn suggests that you rid yourself of anything which has being weighing your down so you can create your ideal world.  Notice with that shift, the world economy has taken a nose dive suggesting that what we need to pay more attention to the energy exchange of your labor for money.  Perhaps you have taken your attitude towards money for granted.  Now it’s time to give that financial energy due respect.  So bless your bills! People have honored you with giving your credit.  Bless them each time you pay a bill.


In your love life and friendships of all types the focus likely will be on accomplishments rather than being sentimental.  This is super organized and practical energy, so dig out your planners and plan out your next month!  This is a time for responsibly setting future goals.  Talk about those goals with your main squeeze!  Who is going to be responsible for what around your house? 


Reflection Questions! 

  1. What house does Capricorn rule in your birth chart?
  2. What house is Saturn located in?
  3. Where am I at in terms of my career or job?  How successful am I?
  4. What are 4 outcomes I expect from my job this year?
  5. What changes do you want to see particularly in how you make a living for yourself?
  6. List 4 adjectives that describe your ideal job!  Create it!


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to create my New Moon Vision Board


The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

The secret of getting started is

breaking your complex overwhelming tasks

into small manageable tasks,

and then starting on the first one.

(Mark Twain; 1835-1910)



Dance in the Misty Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon

December 24, 2008 at 1:34 pm | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 6. Moon Fire | 1 Comment
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Fire and Earth rules the planetary energy for the next couple of days.  The playful Moon just danced into Sagittarius moments ago. If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in fire signs of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon floating in this fire sign. 


Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely!  I’m grateful for this light hearted Sagittarian energy as it will make the people around me feel like challenging beliefs that no longer work well for them.  Hooray, change is in the air!


In your family life and at the office most people will be positive and upbeat during the Sagittarian Moon time.  It is a time for fun and games interspersed with some very lively conversation around ideas that make you tick.  If you have to go into the office today, expect lots of laughter.  Take time out and just enjoy the NOW moment!  In the back of your mind the Capricorn Sun will try to make you feel guilty with the yah-but “we should be working” mentality.  Tell the Sun influence that it’s okay to have a play day!


In your love life and friendships of all types since we just came from a water sign, there likely was an outpouring of moisture in your environment.  At the very least it was an outpouring of emotions.  Now is the time to lighten the energy and have fun for the sheer pleasure of it.  This is a time of pure optimism and joy.  So enjoy the moment.  If there is snow, go and make a snow angel, just because it’s fun and takes you back to your childhood feelings of pure moments of joy!


Reflection Questions! 

  1. What do I enjoy doing?
  2. Who do I enjoy doing it with?
  3. Name 4 other feelings that pertain to light heartedness and fun.
  4. What do I want to manifest joyously in my life?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to live an abundant life in joy, harmony and peace.


Green Gift #12  For all the dog lovers thanks to my nephew Aaron who knows how I love my dogs!



Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.

Happiness is the spiritual experience of

living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

(Dennis Waitley)


Dance in the Playful Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon Winter Solstice

December 20, 2008 at 12:28 pm | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 2 Energy Cycles, 9. Moon Water | Leave a comment
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Power Play Winter Solstice Day!  Change and Shift happens!  Both the Sun and Moon change signs on Sunday to Earth and Water energy.  If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon floating in this water sign. 


Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely!  I’m grateful for the Winter Solstice energy.  This energy will be in effect until the next solstice.  Over the course of the next 4 months people will feel huge shifts and have the opportunity of changing inwardly quite dramatically.  Positive change is in the air with the Sun twinned with Pluto and Mars.  That translates into energetic inner transforming.  The Sun is sextile the Moon in Scorpio which is ruled by Pluto.  This indicates most people will choose to change themselves.  It’s time for a global shift in consciousness.  This next 4 months will be one of the main opportunities for people to connect the dots of what is truly important in their lives.  If you choose to flow in the lava flow of Pluto it will be much easier for you!


The Moon is trine Venus conjunct Chiron conjunct Neptune during this eclipse.  This concentration of energy suggests that female energy will get a strong booster shot.  Expect insights and intuition to flow through your mind-body-spirit.  It’s an equinox gift from the Universe!  By spring you could literally have changed your DNA at the cellular level.  Normally that takes 7 years, but the Universe is speeding up the process for just this moment in time.  Use this major shift in consciousness wisely and for the greater good!  Green Gift # 7:


In your family life and at the office responsibility and family commitment will be uppermost in your mind with the Sun shifting into Capricorn.  While it might not have the glitz and glamour of other signs, Capricorn Sun will focus on what is good for the family as well as for your career. The Scorpio Moon might be struggling with changing jobs or changing careers, but the outcome should you choose the change is positive.  Part of your difficulty is wondering what your legacy is, or what will people remember you for.  If you are doing the right thing by your spirit and working in your passion, your legacy will be remembered fondly by the people who truly count in your life.  Be true to yourself!


In your love life and friendships of all types intuition will reign supreme over the next couple of days.  You will intuit or pick up all kinds of signs.  Pay attention to the coincidences as they are directions on the roadmap of Life.  For some of you visual people you will get a Youtube version flashing through your brain.  For those of you who are auditory, just the right words will sing their way into your life.  Perhaps it will be whispered on the wind from an angel.  Perhaps it will come to you through the words of a song or while watching television.  This is dramatic shift time.  Change with the energy or you will be left behind to eat the dust!  


Reflection Questions!

  1. Where or in what area do I want to make positive changes in my life?
  2. How can I honor women and female energy?
  3. How well do I respect the flashes of insight that come to me?
  4. What do I truly want to manifest for my life?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to change positively and willingly with the solstice energy.


“We lift ourselves by our thought.

If you want to enlarge your life,

you must first enlarge your thought of it and of yourself.

Hold the ideal of yourself

as you long to be, always everywhere.”

(Orison Swett Marden 1850-1924)



Gratefully Dance in the Solstice Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Sagittarius Sun, Libra Moon

December 19, 2008 at 7:09 am | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 8. Moon Air | Leave a comment
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It’s a balancing act!  The Moon dances along the balance beam of Libra giving us air and fire energy combo!  If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon blowing through this air sign. 


Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely!  I’m grateful for the Moon in Libra.  It enables me to achieve more balance in my life for at least a couple of days during this hectic time of the year.  


In your family life and at the office, the Sagittarian Sun will be yelling in your ear “get a move on, you don’t have time to waste … get buying, get cooking, get cleaning … and get moving because countdown is on”.  The Libra Moon might make you be dithery and indecisive trying to choose among all your options.  I would recommend you stay away from buying anything during the Libra Moon time for just this reason.  You simply cannot decide which choice would really be the best.  So you resort to flipping a coin or singing eenie-meenie to decide.  That truly is not the best way to choose for yourself or others! 


In your love life and friendships of all types this energy is all about partnerships.  Libra Moon is ruled by Venus so expect the flames of love to get a shot of hot air during the next couple of days. This is super social energy, so grab your favorite friends and have a grand gab fest.  If you are attending a party over the next two days, expect lots of enthusiasm from our friend Sagittarius Sun!     


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to slow down the rhythm today.  I intend to take several Moments of Joy!  I intend to be an angel to myself.


 Green Gift #6  Be an angel to those you love!  For many people during this holiday season, you might want to be more thrifty.  Give Gifts from the Heart!  While you will be spending less money, you will be giving rich love energy gifts when you make things for people you love.  Anything made with Love vibrates at a higher level and is truly valued by the recipient whether they tell you or not.  So consider giving baking or making something those you love.  Oprah had a number of great ideas on her show yesterday that can help you on your journey to Love Making Gifts!


Remember to feel, think, and talk words of gratitude!

The Law of Energy Attraction tells us that

we continue to receive the things we are grateful for.





Gratefully Dance in the Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Sagittarius Sun, VirgoMoon

December 17, 2008 at 6:42 am | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 7. Moon Earth | Leave a comment
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Green cleaning machine!  Use the Virgo Moon to get that cleaning done before your Christmas guests arrive.  The Moon moved into Virgo a short while ago giving us the Earth-Fire energy combination. If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in earth signs of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon greening in this earth sign. 


Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely!  I’m grateful for  Virgo Moon as I will easily focus on cleaning up and cleaning out stuff. 


In your family life and at the office this is prime time for you to communicate about all your plans for the holidays.  Now this is huge shift time, as the Sagittarius Sun is getting closer each day to Pluto, so expect a lot of shifting in your home with some fundamental belief systems to do with this holiday season. Take the opportunity and communicate with your family and those in the office as to what you would like to see it all look like.  Use the prime time to clear away debris.  You have a family tradition that no longer works for you?  Throw it out.   The office parties are not working either?  Now is the time to suggest changes for that dynamic as well.  This is wonderful change-agent energy, so lead the parade and take out the garbage!  Be the change agent in your world!  Please consider going green this holiday season!  Do just one thing to make our world a greener one!


In your love life and friendships of all types so you haven’t done your shopping yet?  Not to worry.  This is prime time to practically finish that up in the next two days. Virgo Moon will help you decide what is a want versus need. I wouldn’t wrap anything under the Virgo Moon though because you’ll be fussy even in which direction the tape goes and how long it should be.  Virgo Moon loves detail and every little one has to be perfect.  You likely will find it difficult keeping secrets for the next couple of days since Virgo does love to chat and Sagittarian Sun wants to be playful at teasing about “guess what I got for you”.  Shhh!


Reflection Questions! 

  1. What do I need to clean up and clear out?
  2. What is the practical thing to do in this situation?
  3.  What is one thing I can make a habit and be more environmentally conscious?
  4. What do I really want?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to clean out some old traditions that no longer work for my family. 


Green Gift #4 is thanks to my friend Linda.  Clean out some of your Life’s debris! Guys, you will love the background!  Click below!


Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues,

but the parent of all others.

(Marcus Tullius Cicero)


Gratefully Dance in the Queen of Clean Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Sagittarius Sun, Leo Moon

December 16, 2008 at 4:16 am | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 6. Moon Fire | Leave a comment
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Spontaneous combustion.  Double fire energy to burn!  The Moon burned into Leo late last night.  Don’t play with fire!  If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in fire signs of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon glowing in this fire sign. 



Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely!  I’m grateful for learning about the power of this fire energy.  18 years ago, for no apparent reason, at minus 37 C, my car caught fire and was totally destroyed.  It had been in for a winter tune-up just days before.  When I ran the chart it showed Sagittarius Sun and Leo Moon were duking it out for supremacy in my 3rd house of travel.  Oh what a lesson in the power of double fire energy that was!


In your family life and at the office the leader of the pack will expect to be acknowledged in some way. If you do not let the leader know that s/he is the supreme being, then the burning will happen.  That’s perhaps why I felt the need to post on bullying today.  Leos can be gentle kittens as long as they have their way.  Otherwise they have the potential of becoming bullies.  Anticipate the bullying potential of today’s emotional energy.  If you need to stand up for yourself, then the next couple of days will help you in your journey to empowerment. It is very possible that leadership issues will be front and center both on the home front and in the office. 


In your love life and friendships of all types look out for the burning energy for the next couple of days.  Your passionate words could run away with your mouth and your heart.  While it might start out playfully with the Sagittarian Sun, it could soon deteriorate.  This is risky energy playing with double fire.  When fire is contained and trained, it is an awesomely powerful tool.  Let loose, it can cause a lot of destruction.  Many people will experience the energy of the next 48 hours with enthusiasm and glee instead of the above!  So not to worry my little doves of peace!



Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to keep my emotions under my control.  I’m responsible for my behavior and my emotional reactions.  I choose a peaceful way to resolve each leadership issue that flares up. 



“Our attitudes control our lives.

Attitudes are a secret power working

24 hours a day for good or bad.

It is of paramount importance that we know

how to harness and control this great force.” 

(Tom Blandi)



Are you concerned about bullying?  Visit:


Dance in the Enthusiastic Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon

December 13, 2008 at 4:52 am | Posted in 1. Moon-Sun transits, 9. Moon Water | 2 Comments
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Family and Homebody time!  The Moon sashayed into Cancer just a short while ago, making you prefer to stay home.  What a transforming weekend we all shall have!  Time to let those butterflies free!  If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you noticeably will be affected by the emotional energy over the next couple of days.  The rest of us will have moments of our day which will be influenced by the Moon floating in this water sign. 


Sherrie's love notes

Sherrie's love notes

Empower yourself and use the Moon energy wisely! 

I’m grateful for  the Moon in Cancer as it increases my ability to read my intuition and pay attention to the messages my psyche and body are getting from both people around me as well as the environment.  Listen to your heart!  Your heart brings you messages of Love from the universe.





In your family life and at the office with the Moon opposite Pluto and then Mercury, there likely will be some pretty intense discussions around family stuff.  Now there also will probably polar opposite views around the table.  Don’t get stuck in the middle of a verbal warring of words with the heart strings involved.  This is not the time to play the “yah-but” game. Take a deep breath, step back from engaging in the emotional outcome.  Get your ego out of the way and do the right thing for the family long term. The square to Saturn will force all people to narrow their focus to determine what is really bothering them.  It’s time to get to the Virgin Moment or the seed of the issue so you can deal with it honestly and openly.  The stellium of Mars, Sun, Pluto and Mercury is going to be a fight or flight response.  No, don’t fly away little butterfly.  Instead deal with the issue so you can sip from the nectar of Life!


In your love life and friendships of all types Once you get past what is bothering you, it will be a fantastic opportunity to transform your relationship into a deeper one.  The Pluto shift forces us all to dig deeply into our very DNA and ask “What do I want?”.  Go with your intuition and your heart and deeply read what is really your intention.  I’m not here to preach to anyone about their spiritual values.  However for those spiritually inclined, Athena lends her wisdom to the higher octave of Neptune which is spirituality.  This is prime time for connecting with female energy.  Pamper the women who matter to you, whether they are terrific friends or in your love relationship.  You’ll be glad you did.


Reflection Questions!

  1.  What do I really want?
  2. How can I pamper the female side of me?
  3. Who else do I need to pamper in my home? Am I really his mother?
  4. How can I be Sagittarius playful during the pampering time? 


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to pamper my female side today.

If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one,

then you will have pure gratitude.

Even though you observe just one flower,

that one flower includes everything.

(Shunryu Suzuki Roshi)


Dance in the Motherly Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Full Moon Weather Effect

December 12, 2008 at 4:44 am | Posted in 2 Energy Cycles, 3. New Moon Vision Board, 4. Full Moon Vision Board | Leave a comment
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Full Moon affects the weather for 2 weeks! Have you noticed the cycle of changes in your area?  It seems to jump in with both feet when either the Full or New Moon occurs!


I have not studied astro-weather.  There are other astrologers who have a passion for it and specialize in this topic.  However, I live close to the Moon cycles.  Every Full Moon there is a change in the weather where I live.  The same thing can easily be predicted for the New Moon Phase. Now it seems to me there is a dramatic change in weather the day of either the Full or New Moon.  Then over the two weeks as the cycle grows, it gradually fades.  Hmm, spring-summer-fall-winter appears also in the Full Moon cycle and the New Moon cycle then!  Look at this process in your area!



For example we have had gently falling snow almost every day for the past couple of weeks.  We only receive 1-2 cm of accumulation.  Suddenly that has ceased and our temperatures have plummeted to the minus 20 C range.  Our weather forecaster tells us we can expect cold temperatures for the next two weeks beginning with today’s Full Moon.  Coincidence?  I don’t think so!


The Full and New Moon two week cycles are responsible for weather systems around the globe.  That is due to the Moon pull on the waters of Mother Earth.  That in turn affects the weather cycle.  Start watching in your area and soon you too will be able to predict changes.


Now I don’t know whether this is common practice or whether it is just in rural farming areas.  All our grocery stores have the yearly booklet Farmer’s Almanac at the check-outs.  I used to buy these every year for my father to put in the bathroom with it’s fascinating earthy articles.   My grandfather used to keep one by his chair and he studied it every day.  Little did he know it has the entire movement of the planets on each and every page.  Grampy just wanted the Moon phase because he gardened and farmed by the Moon phase.  Similarly many fishermen buy these because apparently fish bite according to the Moon phase. 


Imagine!  You can become a weather forecaster where you are, simply by understanding the 2 week Full and New Moon cycles!  So not only are human emotions vastly affected, but also our entire earth is wonderfully influenced by that gorgeous full moon which is shining in my window right now. 



Sometimes our light goes out, but

is blown again into instant flame

by an encounter with another human being.

Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those

who have rekindled this inner light.

(Albert Schweitzer)


Happy Friday Dance in the Full Moonlight!


For more information on dealing with life, love and relationships, visit my blog at Love My Journey,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

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